The concept of scale is used to analyse phenomena and look for explanations at different spatial levels, from the personal to the local, regional, national and global. The importance of Country/Place to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples is an example of the interaction between culture and identity, and shows how places can be invested with spiritual and other significance. Places can also be laboratories for the comparative study of the relationships between processes and phenomena, because the uniqueness of each place means that similar processes and influences can produce different outcomes in different places.

They are where major events occur, from natural disasters and financial crises to sporting events. Places are sites of biodiversity locations for economic activity centres of decision –making and administration sites for the transmission and exchange of knowledge and ideas meeting places for social interaction, sources of identity, belonging and enjoyment and areas of natural beauty and wonder. The environmental and human qualities of places influence our lives and life opportunities.

Our most common relationships are likely to be with people in the same place. The world is made up of places, from those with largely natural features, for example, an area of rainforest, to those with largely constructed features, such as the centre of a large city. Places play a fundamental role in human life.